Young tops Online Chess Tournament


By Lourence Marcellana

William Young of Green Saints dominated the JCSGO Christian Academy’s Online Chess Tournament during the school’s first-ever Online Intramurals after crushing John Louie Lalaguna of the Blue Judges last February 25, via Google Meet.

Young made an early huge opening in Lalaguna’s defense that left his prized King open for an attack.

Young controlled the whole match after snatching piece after piece in Lalaguna’s collection, leaving his right side wide open.

The Grade 12 student cleaned the rack before finishing Lalaguna with three minutes to spare to be crowned as the King of Chess in JCA.

Meanwhile, in the battle for third spot, Haniell Marquez of the Green Saints outclassed Carl Justine Villanueva of the Red Prophets.

Marquez’s early defensive stance started to pay off after gaining momentum mid-way to the match but Villanueva snatched the rook to take a slight advantage near the finale.

Both sides took furious exchanges as time was against Villanueva’s side leaving him with two minutes to spare.

Marquez’s Queen got inside Villanueva’s defense that left him with no piece to prevent the inevitable checkmate.


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