by Ronnie Nicole Santos

JCSGO Christian Academy Senior High Department opened enrollment for the school year 2020-2021 last June 16 and got blessed with 39% of increase rate, reflected in the statistics released by the Registrar’s Office.

Accountancy, Business and Management Strand (ABM) gains the highest by 43.1% followed by Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS) at 37.4%, and lastly Technical-Vocational (TECH-VOC) at 19.5%.

SHS students are composed of JCA junior high school completers and transferees from other private junior high school. There is also a large number of public junior high school completers who availed the “No Top Up” promo of the school.

Mr. Fredinel M. Arellano, the newly appointed SHS department coordinator, and the whole faculty of SHS department vowed to give quality Christian education to students and to hone them to become influential communicators and leaders in the future.


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