JCA commences virtual FaMEALy Day celebration


by Carl Justine T. Villanueva

JCSGO Christian Academy (JCA) initiated a virtual celebration of FaMEALy Day on its official Facebook page in honor of National Family Week last September 24.

It was hosted by the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) President, Mr. Barry Remojo and the Guidance Advocate, Ms. Sheila Padilla, followed by the opening prayer of the 5th Grade PTA Coordinator, Mrs. Maripaz Mique.

The event featured guest speaker Haydee Sampang, DZAS and FEBC radio broadcaster, Malacañang Press Corps member, PCEC Worship Commission Board member, The Sanctuary Assembly of God (Malolos City) worship leader, and a motivational speaker.

“The meal table is one of the best places to build emotional connectedness with our teens and with our kids,” Sampang emphasized.

She also highlighted the Tanseco Family in her talk due to their unique way of dining out during the pandemic wherein the family eats inside their vehicle to enjoy food, connect and tie bonds with each other. The speaker proceeded onto the main topic which is the discussion of the five Love Languages along with its meaning and content.

First, Sampang stated the first type of Love Language which is Words of Affirmation. In this category, recognizing one’s accomplishments, commending them and expressing verbal affection can only speak louder when sincerely spoken to others that comes from the bottom of the heart.

The second Love Language is Physical Touch. It often entails being kissed, hugged, cuddled and held wherein flexibility comes about using physical gentle touch in correcting one’s mistakes.

Next, the guest speaker also tackled Quality Time that refers to expressing a person’s affection via spending quality time together without the undivided attention coming from gadgets and other circumstances happening in the surrounding.

After that, she described the Acts of Service as an effort of doing something for your children or partner. Simple gestures people with this love language would appreciate favors such as helping them water the plants, cook meals for them and assist in doing homework. Sampang also stressed that manipulation will never be a symbol of love and care for others.

Lastly, the final variant of Love Language is Receiving Gifts. It serves as a physical representation of an individual’s love which maybe expressed fondness or care for someone through material things, tokens and presents.

After the symposium, the hosts facilitated the Q&A portion so that the guest speaker could interact with the audience. Rommel Reodica and Sampang also prepared song perfomances during the “virtual salu-salo” of JCAian families.

To better know and learn about their partners or children, Sampang proposed to ask questions, make observations and conduct an experiment. Henceforth, the event concluded with a closing prayer led by Pastor Orpah Reodica along with the encouragement of every JCAian family to take the Five Love Language test and post their photos while having dinner together on social media platforms to show their support in the commemoration of the National Family week with the hashtag #faMEALyDaywithJCACubao.


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