GS, JHS take spotlight in UN celebration


By Cha Villadolid, Yuri Naranja

The Grade School (GS) and Junior High School (JHS) Department organized activities for JCSGO Christian Academy’s (JCA) celebration of the United Nations on Friday, October 27.

A morning parade led by the Grade 1 to 3 students at the parking lot kicked off the commencement, where they unveiled their creative costumes to represent various countries.

The event continued with the elimination phase, which was conducted simultaneously in the school’s Audio-Visual Room and Central Hall.

Contestants made their introductions that featured crafty mottos and creative presentations. The final round followed after announcing the winners of the elimination phase.

Grades 4-6 were next in line in the wave of events that featured the search for Mr. & Ms. United Nations. The program gave the contenders spotlight, pageantry, introduction, and a question-and-answer portion.

As for the JHS department, the elimination took place at the Central Hall; each pair of competitors represented their represented country through a fashion show, talent portion, and Q&A, which showcased their talents in dancing, singing, instruments, and acting.

Winners of the preceding event will be announced during the History Month’s culminating activity on November 8.

📸 Aviona Villadolid, Renzelle Bersamin, Angela Manahan


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