First-Ever Online Bible Month Celebration


By: Jan Raven Reodica 

JCSGO Christian Academy did not let the worldwide pandemic hinder them from celebrating National Bible Month with their students and teachers.

The school has adapted two of their Bible Month competitions to the online setup for both elementary school and junior high school, the Bible Quiz Bee and Bible Familiarization.

The Bible Quiz Bee kicked off on January 13 with its elimination rounds, followed by its final rounds on the 18th.

The Bible Familiarization began January 11-13 and was continued on the 18th to 19th.

JCA also had Bible Story segments prepared for the elementary and junior high school, as they utilized their Values Education period to tell different memorable Bible stories to the students and pupils.

The senior high department also celebrated National Bible Month as all SHS students participated in the 2021 Bible Month Activity entitled “Jesus in One Minute”, wherein they shared their own stories and testimonies of how Jesus affected their lives.

They also had an Online Worship Concert that streamed on January 29, where selected senior high students were called up by the Student Council to perform special numbers, giving them the opportunity to lift the Lord’s name with their God-given talents.

To cap off the celebration, the Junior High School held one of the most anticipated student contests in JCA history, the Musikristo Battle of the Bands. This year’s edition featured four competing bands and their self-composed worship songs. Each band recorded and performed virtually during their RHGP last February 5.

The winners were announced as follows:

4th Place – Epiphany

3rd Place – Redeemed

2nd  Place – Citrine

1st Place – Metanoia

A replay of the Musikristo Battle of the Bands 2021 will be streamed on JCA FB page this week.


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