Finest JCAians take center stage in January classroom activities, campus-wide victories
By: Samuelle Velayo
In a joyous celebration, JCAians from the Grade School (GS) department to the Senior High School (SHS) department were acknowledged for their display of the finest in various campus-wide events at the Seed Dome on Wednesday, February 5.
Classroom awards were handed out for each outstanding section per department for their excellence in leadership, communication, environmental advocacy, and discipline this past quarter.
For the GS and Junior High School departments: 1-Kindness, 6-Purity, and 7-Majestic outshined their peers for first place in the Lead Class award, followed by 1-Patience, 5-Perseverance, 10-Glorious for English Communicating Class Award.
Class advocacy awards were awarded to 2-Goodness, 2-Self-Control, 6-Purity, and 10-Glorious for Creation Care; and 2-Goodness, 4-Gentleness, 7-Magnificent, and 10-Glorious for Healthy Monday.
The SHS department gave the spotlight to 11-Shiloh which took home the classroom awards for the categories for first place, with 11-Elyon also winning the Healthy Monday Class Advocate Award.
The school-wide awardees were also honored as the winners of KKK awards were handed out afterward for 1-Patience, 2-Goodness, 2-Self-Control, 3-Righteousness, 3-Faithfulness, 4-Gentleness, 8-Awesome, 10-Glorious, 10-Victorious, 11-Shiloh.
3-Righteousness, 9-Mighty, and 11-Shalom also claimed the title of Most Disciplined Class for the third quarter.
The Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) also announced Cassandra Isabelle Luna, Denise Bueno, and Eunice Grace Torres as the winners of the Poster Making Contest winners from Grades 4-6 under the theme, “Keep it bright. Do it right. No vandalism in sight.”
The awarding concluded with an announcement for the SPG’s Anonybox project and the JCA Library’s “Blind Date with a Book” event for February.
Photos by: MJ Brioso