ECE dept. holds 26th Recognition Day, Moving Up Ceremony


by Allyssa Pestelos

📷 Renzelle Bersamin

JCSGO Christian Academy held its 26th Recognition Day and Moving Up Ceremony for the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Department with the theme “K-12 graduates: molded through a resilient education foundation” on Wednesday, June 21, at the seed dome.

The program began with the singing of the national anthem and praise and worship led by beginner and kinder pupils, followed by an opening prayer from Elijah Faith Sayson, a beginner pupil.

Czarinna Pauline L. Jison, a kindergarten completer, gave the opening remarks, highlighting their gratitude and ‘readiness’ for their next adventure. While Naomi Micah Victoria T. Azul, another kindergarten completer, gave her testimonial message.

“At JCA, I learned how to write letters properly, I learned the names of colors and shapes, I learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and fractions. Most of all, I learned how to read!” Azul said.

An intermission number of the songs “You are Faithful” and “Super Heroes” were performed by the learners.

School Principal, Mrs. Cynthia C. Genon, presented and declared the 13 male and 14 female completers of the kindergarten class, followed by the awarding of certificates, ribbons, and medals for the deserving pupils along with Pastor Joshua Sebastian (School Chaplain), Mrs. Elizabeth Reyes (ECE Department Head), and Mrs. Abelyn A. Sikat (Class Adviser).

“I have learned many bible verses and Christian values so I thank God for leading me to JCA and now, I have a very good foundational learning because of our good, kind, and understanding teachers,” said Crescenta U. Migabon, a kindergarten completer, in her Message of Thanks.

An audio-visual presentation was flashed on the screen, followed by the department’s activities and events throughout the school year.

Important dates such as the distribution of checklists, certificates, and photos, the parents’ orientation day, and the beginning of classes for the upcoming school year were conveyed to the parents.

Jada Zeleba B. Macaspac, a beginner pupil, ended the ceremony through a closing prayer along with the closing remarks by Aurelia Ellora Lowell U Barasi.


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